Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Day 5: Elementary school #2

Blog Post by Fynn:

We started the day meeting at the elementary school entrance where we had to switch our shoes to flip flops and sandals to keep the floors clean. Out first impressions consisted of how everything was very clean and efficient. 

We split up into groups and started the day in calligraphy class with 4th graders. Then some of us participated in either a home economics class, another calligraphy class, or a science class with 5th graders. 

Then began our prepared presentation of our introduction to Wisconsin. After our posters we created, we taught them the chicken dance. Yes, the chicken dance. It was awesome. The kids had so much fun (myself included). 

Then after, the kids would teach us a game/activity. The 3rd graders taught us a card game similar to a mix of slap-jack and bingo. The 2nd graders showed us a game of rock paper scissors that would create a train of children. And the 1st graders played a game of finding a certain number of friends and sitting down with us. It was a lot of fun to interact with the children and there were very enthusiastic about our visit. 

The lunch we had was pretty good as well, gourmet to our own school lunch. The strange thing was that there was no lunch room. We ate our food with the children in their classrooms. 

Then afterwards we all helped out with cleaning the rooms and hallways. Japanese schools don't have janitors, yet they're super clean and efficient because everyone is responsible for cleaning up. 

We then had recess where we ran around and played with the kids. Although confused and lost, we played a game of basketball and a strange rendition of monkey-in-the-middle. 

We had a last class of either calligraphy again or gym with 6th graders. After the school day we talked with the principal and thanked him for having us. We also presented him with a beautiful picture of Eau Claire scenery and a tube of American pretzels. We then separated back to our first host families. 

After the long day we went home, ate some delicious dinner, and then relaxed. I helped one of my host kids with English and math homework, and then played uno where I got completely destroyed. We then tried to sleep knowing we would not see this amazing family again for 10 days. It was quite emotional for many.


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