Sunday, June 9, 2019

Day 3_2 Host-family report: Dante, Cole, Kang, Megan, Anna, Sebastian

Dante: We went shopping at Daiso and Book-Off used book store! And I bought a few Pokemon items. We went home and made a lot of Takoyaki together. It was very delicious! Then we relaxed and watched a dinosaur movie.

Cole: during the weekend, we went to the town of Nikko, north of my host family's house. There was plenty of mountains and we explored the various temples. After we were finished exploring, we went to eat at a Victorian Era style restaurant in Nikko, where I tried duck with miso sauce for the first time! 

Kang: I had a barbeque with everyone. We tried a lot of things like lamb, chicken gizzards, and really really big mushrooms with butter. Mama's friend E-Chan and her husband also visited along with their small Chihuahua Mugi. At night we also lit up fireworks. 

Megan: I've gone to the park to play baseball my my host families kids two days in a row. Both time we had a lot of fun. We went out for lunch to get ramen and it was the best I ever had. 

Anna: Yesterday we ate gyudon and went to the art museum and the onsen! The day before we went and did barbeque. I also made bracelets with the kids and also watched Yuna's dance practice. Its been a lot of fun so far I look forward to more!

Sebastian: I am having a lot of fun at my host family; the youngest child, Kazuki, has a lot of energy. He repeatedly challenges me to Super Smash Bros Ultimate. (Smash Ultimate is called Smash Special which I don’t understand.) For a little while on both Saturday and Sunday, almost the whole family sat down to play UNO. We ended up playing for a while due to nobody having any red cards. The food is all very delicious. I don’t know what most of it is called as I eat first and ask questions later.

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