Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kizuna 8 Day 7 Pt 2: Highlights of my homestay

Home-stay Highlights

1. Cooking with my host mother and brother. (Nathan B.)

2. Eating sushi with them and playing “Go” (a traditional Japanese board game) against my host brother. (Owen)

3. Playing Wii with my host sister and brother. (Sydney)

4. Talking with my host family in Japanese. (Elizabeth)

5. Asking my host family “how do you prepare this food?” at the supper table. (Megan)

6. Trying to figure out what they want me to do for bath. (Mikayla)

7. Talking with my family. It was very fun to get to know them (Onha)

8. Talking with my family. They were really encouraging of my Japanese ability. (Alex)

9. Eating at conveyor-belt sushi restaurant. Had fun showing my photo album to my host family. (Matteen)

10. Playing cribbage with my host brother (Nathan G.)

11. Talking with host brother about Japan and how awesome Japan is. (Raymond)

12. Looking at the Tsunami disaster area photos (from Sendai) together. (Samantha)

13. Getting to know them and playing video games with them (Tyge)

14. Cooking together “Takoyaki” (Grilled Octopus balls). (Kai)

15. Giving the gifts (meats and sausages from Wisconsin) and they are very happy! (Victor)

16. Folding Origami paper with host family. It was a lot of fun!! (Samuel)

17. Giving the gifts and they are very happy!! Having dinner together. It was so delicious! (Aiyzah)

18. Going to the dollar store. Japanese dollar store is 100 times better than one in U.S. There is a huge variety of stuff there. Dinner was amazing and we laughed together a lot. (Leah N.)

19. Having an awesome supper. I had “croquette”, a small roll of chopped vegetables, meat, or fish, fried in breadcrumbs. (Shengyengphia)

20. Shopping at mall and having ramen noodle. Giving my gifts and showing my photo album. Playing music together! Sister plays piano and sings. I play guitar. (Neesej)

21. Talking to my host family and showing my photo album (Foua)

22. Seeing poster in my host sister’s room and asking her if it was “Hetalia” (a popular anime). When we found out that we all love the animation, we were screaming and jumping around. She gave me some of the managa to take home because we don’t have it in the U.S. and we watched a bunch of episodes on her laptop. (Leah H.)

23. Playing the card game. We taught how to play “blackjack” with Japanese/America version. (Grant)

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