Saturday, June 18, 2011

2011 Day 8/9 Day with Yokohama host family

Tom K
It was a really fun day. First we went to the Daibutsu in Kamakura, then we saw the biggest shrine in Japan. After that, the host family took me to a shamisen store (again!) and I received a special lesson on how to play. In the afternoon, I finally met the host father and we all did karaoke together (for 3 hours!)

Tyler Staniszewski
My host family and Andy's spent the day together.  First we went to the Daibutsu and learned about that. Then we went to enoshima.  The first thing we did when we went to enoshima was eat. I had rice, eggs, and tiny sardines. We then went up the mountain to all the shrines. After that we went home and had curry. I also ate a fruit called bewa which looks like a small orange. After eating, my host sister and I played Mario cart, Mario party, and a game like rock, paper, scissors.

Tommy Lee 
Well I first woke up at 7 and just sat around talking with my host grandma. Around 9:30 we left to go out. We took the bus which was very different. Our first stop was a temple in Yokohama. It was cool because there was a wedding going on. I thought it was beautiful. The wedding was very traditional too. We left after offering to the temple. We went to a china town in Yokohama. Maybe it was Yokosuka. Not too sure but it was pretty sweet. We ran into Jenny Lor's host family there. Shortly after we saw a Totoro shop and went in. It had lots of cool stuff in it. We then met up and walked to Yokosuka park. A place with a lot of young people and couples. The park was very peaceful and pretty. After we went to a theme park where we rode two rides in the rain. That was possibly the best time ever. Rides + rain = Awesome. We then went home to relax a bit. Later around 8ish we went to eat out. It was all so good. Then my host dad told me about a Japanese custom that after work the men usually eat food and drink. Then after that they would eat ramen to end it off. It was painful to eat ramen on a full stomach. I don't think I'll ever forget that time.

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